Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Electoral Prediction Site

One of the things that drives me nuts during campaign season is the reporting of national polls. There is a little thing called the Electoral College, CNN. Ever heard of it? You need to look at the state level polling. Problem is, the state level polls are often conflicting. The margin of errors can be large or the results not reliable due to bias in the polling methodology. What is a political junkie to do. Go to Five Thirty Eight. This is the best site I have seen on predicting the outcome of the election. In fact, if you had asked me how to predict the election, I would have suggested something like this. Note that they don't say who is going to win, but the probability of a win by either candidate.

1 comment:

twosox said...

By far the beset data on the web. I wish he would do some better graphing (sparklines, etc.), but I am an addict.